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sabato 25 agosto 2012


Cari lettori, mi sono presa qualche giorno di riposo dovuto all'ondata di caldo e ad alcuni impegni lavorativi!
Ebbene si, anche io ho lavorato, ho persino firmato un contratto di ben 11 giorni. 
Spero solo che esista la reincarnazione,, così nella prossima vita riuscirò a maturare i contributi necessari per andare in pensione. 
Oggi si riapre con una "lettera da lontano" di un ragazzo spagnolo che mi ha scritto ieri sera dopo aver letto l'articolo su Cafebabel, che da ieri è stato tradotto anche in spagnolo. 

Trovo interessante pubblicarla, non solo per le belle parole, ma anche perché proviene da un paese che come noi, (mi permettete una licenza poco poetica?) sta vedendo i sorci verdi! Ecco a voi il testo! 

Hello Alessia:

I have read an interview about the letter you sent to the minister and about your personal situation. As said, thanks for being the voice of so many European young (and not so young). I hope we rise our voices and say to the world that we are the future, and If they don't do something soon, all the system will collapse in not so many years. 

As you, I completed my bachelor degree, master courses, and my PhD is almost finished, I have been working in foreign companies for months and collaborating with research groups all around the world. However, I feel that I don't fit in Spain, and I am already planning where to go next year since there is not any future in my country. Indeed, I can say that I am lucky since, as an engineer, is easier for me to find a job in another country. However, I can also see the desperate situation of a lot of friends that now don't know how to face the future. Live that under the thirties, and after dedicate so many years to preparate yourself for the future is quite tough. 

Again, thank you so much for that letter, and for everything you are doing. The words will never disappeared.

All the best,

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